Online Certificate Courses
Learn the Ultimate Animal Wellness system using essential oils, aromatic botanicals
and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Online Learning
High quality online learning, from novice to professional
Certificate Course
Sign up for the APA certificate, the ultimate animal wellness system
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Follow your passion from home...
We hate leaving our animals behind, but we love learning new ways to keep them healthy! Our online courses mean you can study whenever and wherever you like, and never give up valuable animal time again. Or sign up to the Animal Wellness Lounge, where you can share with other natural animal enthusiasts in a safe and supportive environment. Want help with your animals? Check out our practitioners or consult Nayana.
Quality Education
We believe a well-rounded education should include knowledge about the physical, mental, chemical and energetic pathways. Our courses include ancient wisdom and modern research, but at the heart of all courses is a profound respect for each animal’s own ability to self-heal, when given the right support. Our courses teach you how to give that support to your animals with essential oils, hydrosols, and herbs, and TCM as well as how to reduce stress through natural management and understanding animal behaviour. We offer leading essential oils & natural medicine courses for animals online.
Our courses give you practical tools for every day animal care with essential oils, hydrosols, herbs and nutrition. If you want to reduce the use of synthetic chemicals (medicine, wormers etc), and support your animal’s ability to heal, here’s a good place to start.
Are you looking for interesting and relevant CPD? Would you like to add another tool to your skill set? Essential oils integrate with other modalities easily. Whether you are a vet, therapist, trainer or farmer, we have courses and webinars for you
The Animal PsychAromatica Certificate is a professional level course. APA is an holistic animal wellness system, that includes self-selection of aromatics, TCM animal ethology and energetics, for a healthy body, mind and soul
Let Them Choose!
We are all about self-selection here. Everything we do is guided by animals and their right to choose. Animals have an innate ability to know what they need to stay healthy, known as zoopharmacognosy. We use this natural knowing when offering essential oils and other aromatics for them to select, but also when doing acupressure, or in any modality we use. It is a simple and gratifying way to provide the animals we love with the medicine they need. Offering choices also reduces stress, the primary cause of dis-ease. It is always a joy to witness the innate intelligence of animals and nature, here are a few snippets for you to enjoy too.
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