APA Holistic Animal Wellness Online Courses
For those who want to work with animals, or professionals looking to take their skills to the next level
We have courses for you!
The Heart and Soul, Animal PsychAromatica
What is Animal PsychAromatica?
Animal PsychAromatica is the heart and soul of our wellness system. It is an holistic animal healing system developed by Nayana Morag. It includes essential oils, aromatic botanicals, animal self-selection (zoopharmacognosy), and TCM, but its power is in the way we look at wellness. By addressing everything in an animal’s environment, from food, to family, to how they like to learn, and providing them choices through self-selection we reduce stress and give the body/mind space to heal. And in this we empower people to be active participants in creating a healing environment for all involved.
Most disease can be prevented if we take care of the early signs of stress in the body or mind. To reduce stress, we must create a healthy environment based on a species’ natural needs and the specific needs of each individual. APA teaches you how to do this using tools to address body, mind and soul, and resolve common health and behaviour problems once and for all.
APA is for you if:
- You want to understand all aspects of Animal Wellness
- You want to learn how to use plant medicine and TCM for animal health
- You want to deepen your intuition and healing power
- You want to help animals and humans live together happily
- You want to make a living in a way that nourishes you

APA Certificate
The APA certificate gives you a thorough grounding in animal wellness. Learn how to create a physical, emotional and spiritual environment that fosters well-being for all, with aromatic botanicals and TCM
This in-depth course is offered through “Live” lessons with a small group of fellow students. APA online certificate course will prepare you to go out and work with people and their animals to create a healthy, happy life for all.
Subjects covered:
- All about essential oil for animals and self-selection
- Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 Element theory
- Meridian Balance Assessment
- Understanding stress and how it affects the body/mind
- Working effectively with clients to build a healthy lifestyle
- Your personal development as a healer
- How to work with vets and other professionals
- How to get started in business (yes, you can get insurance)
- Join the Association of Natural Animal Wellness Practitioners
Investment from €2499 (payment plans available)
APA Advanced TCM Courses
w/Neomi David L.Ac
The APA advanced courses build on skills gained in step 1 (APA certificate) and takes you deeper into the TCM philosophy and how to understand pathologies from that perspective. You can take theses courses in order you like, building your skills to suit your interests and pocketbook.
AcuAromatics combines 5 Element acupressure with essential oils. It is a highly practical and holistic way of using acupressure to supercharge an animal’s self-healing ability.
Subjects covered:
- Chinese 5 Elements energetics and how emotions affect dis-ease
- Understanding wellness and disease through TCM
- All meridian organs and their functions within the system
- Meridian pathways and influences on physcial and emotional imbalance
- Choosing acupoints and essential oils to correct imbalances
Investment €1975 (Or €1300 when purchased with APA Certificate)
APA Chinese Herbs
Herbs are a powerful healing tool. To use them responsibly it is important to understand the nature of the plant and how it affects the body. Learn how to blend herbs to help promote health through Chinese principles. Used within the APA guidelines for reducing stress and offering choices, this can be very beneficial in allowing the body to heal itself.
Subjects covered:
- Getting to know the healing plants, body and soul
- Understanding how to formulate blends for optimum effect
- How to support meridians and their organs with herbs
- How the 8 principles guide us to understand imbalances and which herbs will help
- How to work with herbal blends within the APA system of self-selection
Investment €2499 (payment plans available)
Feed Your Dog Well
This is a deep dive into nutritional healing for canines! In Chinese medicine the right diet is considered the first step to health. As it is in the APA system too. This course combines the deep knowledge of TCM as expressed through Neomi David and Western scientific view of nutrition from Li Shamas. It is a practical course that will help you understand how to feed to resolve a variety of problems from anxiety to arthritis, and keep your dogs bouncing with health into old age. Next course starts April 14th
Subjects covered:
- Getting to know the healing plants, body and soul
- Understanding how to formulate blends for optimum effect
- How to support meridians and their organs with herbs
- How the 8 principles guide us to understand imbalances and which herbs will help
- How to work with herbal blends within the APA system of self-selection
Investment €895
Felixible investments
We recognise that we each have different financial flows, so we make it flexible. You can buy one course at a time or buy APA plus one or more other courses for a 10% discount. You can pay in one go and save a bit more, or with payments if that’s easier for you. These courses are an investment in the health of the animals you care for, as well as giving you powerful tools to share with clients.
Want to Get Started?
The process is easy!
Click the Enrol Button
You will be taken to check out to fill out the application form and choose the courses you want to enrol in, then pay your deposit of €150. We will get right back to you with confirmation of your place and other details.
Choose your Payment Option
On the application form you will choose your preferred payment plan and course(s). Once your place is confirmed we will set up future payments to start one month before the first live lessons
Get ready to Learn!
Once we receive your deposit we will send out your starter kit of oils and a PDF of Nayana’s book so you can start to familiarise yourself with the material and you’re on your way!
APA, more than just a course!
Enrol on the APA certificate now and get started in business. Then go deeper into TCM philosophy in the AcuAromatics course and learn how to use 5 element acupressure with aromatics. We call it the ultimate animal wellness system, completely holistic and deeply respectful. But there’s more!
When you enrol on our courses you are joining a supportive community in the Animal Wellness Lounge where you can connect with your peers and find continued education. Because from our own experience, once you start down the animal healing path you never stop learning.